Band Parent Org FAQ

What is the Band Parent Organization?

The Band Parent Organization (BPO) is a committee of parents who work with the band directors to ensure a positive environment for all the band kids. We have a board of directors who lead the group. All parents/guardians of band students grades 5-12 are members of the BPO and can serve to support the BPO board and band directors with their time and skills. Strong participation by parents is what makes the BPO successful. We meet the first Thursday of each month at 7PM, please join us! The location varies month to month so please subscribe to our mailing list which is under the Band Parent tab at the top of this website.

What are the primary functions of the BPO?

Functions of the BPO include helping with uniforms, fundraising, keeping track of expenses, school liaisons, equipment managers and builders, and general volunteers to help all events run smoothly.

How can I be informed?

There are monthly meetings that every band parent of any age band student within the district is welcome to attend. They are held the first Thursday of each month at 7PM. The location varies month to month so please subscribe to our mailing list which is under the Band Parent tab at the top of this website.

How can I help?

Please reach out to our BPO president with inquiries.


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